Same Difference. Adoptive and biolgical children in one family (2010)
Utrecht University, Adoption Department. Directed by Martine Lunshof, 41 minutes.
‘Same Difference’ follows three mixed families with children between 4 and 28 years old. From several perspectives the experiences of different family members are discussed.
One family is awaiting Ricardo (4 years old) from Hungary. Then we see the sequel, 3 and 8 months respectively, after arrival of Ricardo.
A unique feature of the film is the interview with an adult sister and brother (childbirth), 39 and 41 years coming from two different families. About how they have experienced, and experience nowadays, the family situation in relation to their adoptive brother and sister.
The film provides a lot of information for adoption agencies, social workers and adoptive parents, particularly for prospective adoptive parents with one or more childbirth.
Price: € 10,00 (Dutch spoken, English subtitled)